VHS: videojs-http-streaming
Player Stats
Content Steering
Preloaded Sources
Bipbop - Muxed TS with 1 alt Audio, 5 captions
FMP4 and ts both muxed
Advanced Bipbop - ts and captions muxed
Advanced Bipbop - FMP4 and captions muxed
Advanced Bipbop - FMP4 hevc, demuxed
Angel One - FMP4 demuxed, many audio/captions
Parkour - FMP4 demuxed
Song - ts Audio only
Coit Tower drone footage - 4 8 second segment
Disney's Oceans trailer - HLSe, ts Encrypted
Sintel - ts with audio/subs and a 4k rendtion
Boat Ipsum Subs - HLS + subtitles
Boat Video Only
Boat Audio Only
Boat 4K
Boat Misaligned - 3, 5, 7, second segment playlists
BBB-CMIF: Big Buck Bunny Dark Truths - demuxed, fmp4
Big Buck Bunny Audio only, groups have same uri as renditons
Big Buck Bunny Demuxed av, audio only rendition same as group
fmp4 x264/flac no manifest codecs
fmp4 x264/opus no manifest codecs
fmp4 h264/aac no manifest codecs
ts one valid codec among many invalid
Legacy AVC Codec
PDT test source
encrypted init segment
HLS data uri for https://d2zihajmogu5jn.cloudfront.net/bipbop-advanced/bipbop_16x9_variant.m3u8
audio only ts with program Map table every other segment
Big Buck Bunny - demuxed audio/video, includes 4K, burns in frame, pts, resolution, bitrate values
Angel One - fmp4, webm, subs (TODO: subs are broken), alternate audio tracks
BBB-CMIF: Big Buck Bunny Dark Truths - demuxed, fmp4
SIDX demuxed, 2 audio
SIDX bipbop-like
Google self-driving car - SIDX
Sintel - single rendition
Axinom Clear - DASH, 4k, HEVC
Axinom Clear MultiPeriod - DASH, 4k, HEVC
sidx v1 dash
audio only dash, two groups
video only dash, two renditions
Dash data uri for https://dash.akamaized.net/akamai/bbb_30fps/bbb_30fps.mpd
Angel One - Widevine, fmp4, webm, subs, alternate audio tracks
Axinom Multi DRM - DASH, 4k, HEVC, Playready, Widevine
Axinom Multi DRM, Multi Period - DASH, 4k, HEVC, Playready, Widevine
Tears of Steal - Widevine (Unified Streaming)
Tears of Steal - PlayReady (Unified Streaming)
Big Buck Bunny - Azure - DASH, Widevine, PlayReady
HDCP v1.0 DRM dash
HDCP v2.0 DRM dash
HDCP v2.1 DRM dash
HDCP v2.2 DRM dash
HLS - Live - Axinom live stream, may not always be available
DASH - Live - Axinom live stream, may not always be available
DASH - Live simulated DASH from DASH IF
DASH - Shaka Player Source Simulated Live
DASH-IF simulated live
Unified Streaming Live DASH
Unified Streaming Live HLS
DOESN'T WORK - Bayerrischer Rundfunk Recorded Loop - DASH, may not always be available
DOESN'T WORK - Bayerrischer Rundfunk Recorded Loop - HLS, may not always be available
Pseudo-Live PDT test source
Apple's LL-HLS test stream
Apple's LL-HLS test stream, cmaf, fmp4
Mux's LL-HLS test stream
HLS Manifest Object Test, does not survive page reload
Dash Manifest Object Test, does not survive page reload
Source URL
Source Type (uses url extension if blank, usually application/x-mpegURL or application/dash+xml)
Optional Keystems JSON:
keySystems JSON
Minified VHS (reloads player)
Synchronous Web Workers (reloads player)
Enable the live UI (reloads player)
Fluid mode
Debug Logging
Use networkInfo API for bandwidth estimations (reloads player)
Use DTS instead of PTS for Timestamp Offset calculation (reloads player)
Calculate timestampOffset for each segment, regardless of its timeline (reloads player)
[EXPERIMENTAL] Enables support for ll-hls (reloads player)
[EXPERIMENTAL] Use Buffer Level for ABR (reloads player)
[EXPERIMENTAL] Use exact manifest timings for segment choices (reloads player)
[EXPERIMENTAL] Use the Pixel difference resolution selector (reloads player)
Override Native (reloads player)
Mirror sources from player.src (reloads player, uses EXPERIMENTAL sourceset option)
Use Forced Subtitles (reloads player)
Preload (reloads player)
Current Time:
Video Buffered:
Audio Buffered:
Video Bitrate:
0 kbps
Measured Bitrate:
0 kbps
Video Timestamp Offset
Audio Timestamp Offset
Current Pathway:
Available Pathways:
Steering Manifest: